Domestic Electricians Nottingham

Domestic Electrician

When you are looking for a Domestic Electrician in Nottingham you want to be certain that the local electrician you choose is reliable, experienced and fully qualified. Chances are you have searched on Google for an answer to that query and seen just how many possibilities there are. Here at Definitive Electrical Solutions, we believe in making it easy for our customers to see why we stand out from the crowd. We are your local, trusted electricians in Nottingham. We are committed to providing a safe, reliable and trustworthy domestic electrician service that you can depend upon.

Why East Midlands Electric Vehicle Dealerships Trust Definitive Electrical Solutions

Why East Midlands Electric Vehicle Dealerships Trust Definitive Electrical Solutions

The cost of today’s petrol and diesel certainly comes as a shock. However, you won’t receive any shocks whatsoever when you entrust the installation of your EV charge point to Definitive Electrical Solutions, thanks to our engineers being fully conversant with the latest developments in EV technology. As fuel prices rocket, thankfully the pace of EV charger technology is also gaining pace, with more and more options for EV charge points coming to market, with a unit to suit all budgets and all types of properties.

Why East Midlands Electric Vehicle Dealerships Trust Definitive Electrical Solutions

Why East Midlands Electric Vehicle Dealerships Trust Definitive Electrical Solutions

The cost of today’s petrol and diesel certainly comes as a shock. However, you won’t receive any shocks whatsoever when you entrust the installation of your EV charge point to Definitive Electrical Solutions, thanks to our engineers being fully conversant with the latest developments in EV technology. As fuel prices rocket, thankfully the pace of EV charger technology is also gaining pace, with more and more options for EV charge points coming to market, with a unit to suit all budgets and all types of properties.

Find an electrician near me

Find an electrician near me

Typing in “Find an electrician near me” into a search engine will return thousands of results in less than a second. However, with such a huge range of options to choose from its tricky to tell who you can trust to not only do the work required but also deliver on quality, price and safety.

Electricians are on hand take on a huge range of jobs, big and small so you should never feel that your enquiry is maybe too small or insignificant.

New Home? Give Your Property’s Wiring Some Thought

New Home? Give Your Property’s Wiring Some Thought

If you’re acquiring a new house, or you’re looking to make use of an outbuilding, loft space, or similar, it’s a fantastic idea to ask “do I need my property rewired?” before any other planning is undertaken. As technology advances, it brings forth the need to power new appliances, and as older wiring ages, it creates its own set of hazards. So confirming whether you need new wiring or not before any decorative work begins will save you considerable time, stress, and money!

CCTV Solutions: Midlands Households Much More Security Conscious

CCTV Solutions: Midlands Households Much More Security Conscious

Experts believe that as high as 67% of burglaries could be prevented if households had CCTV systems in place. An array of consumer solutions offering CCTV security has come to market over the past year or so. Ring is the brand that perhaps comes to mind first. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the selection of CCTV solutions available to property owners. So perhaps now is the ideal time to explore your home CCTV options with Definitive Electrical Solutions.

Socket Height UK

Socket Height UK

Something that varies greatly in domestic homes across the UK is Socket height. In older homes built before the many plug-in appliances we have today it's not unusual to find an inadequate number of sockets that are particularly close to or even mounted on the skirting board.

Often, it’s a combination of the lack of sockets and the impractical height that drives a homeowner to contact an electrician to install new sockets and likely improve the location of current ones.