Image of electrical testing equipment with Definitive Electrical Solutions logo and the test Ensuring tenant safety with EICR Testing

Ensuring tenant safety

When it comes to renting a property, the safety and well-being of tenants should always be a top priority. In the United Kingdom, landlords have a legal responsibility to provide safe living conditions for their tenants, and this includes ensuring electrical safety. Regular electrical safety checks, known as Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs), play a crucial role in safeguarding rental properties and those who inhabit them. Our electricians at Definitive Electrical perform these inspections weekly for landlords across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire so are ideally placed to highlight their importance. 

What is the law around electrical safety for rental properties?

Under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, landlords are required to keep electrical installations in good working order and repair. Additionally, the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 specify that all new tenancies that began on or after July 1, 2020, and all existing tenancies from April 1, 2021, require an EICR to be conducted at least every five years by a qualified electrician.

Why are regular electrical safety checks so important?

  • Preventing Electrical Accidents: Faulty electrical installations can pose a significant risk to tenants, leading to electric shocks, fires, and even fatalities. Regular safety checks help identify potential hazards and rectify them before they escalate into dangerous situations.
  • Enhanced Safety: EICRs offer a thorough evaluation of the electrical systems, identifying potential dangers and ensuring that safety standards are met. By addressing any issues promptly, the risk of accidents is significantly reduced.
  • Ensuring Compliance: By conducting regular electrical safety checks and EICRs, landlords can demonstrate compliance with legal requirements. This not only protects tenants but also shields landlords from potential legal issues and penalties.
  • Compliance with Regulations: EICRs fulfil legal requirements set by the UK government, helping landlords meet their obligations under the regulations. Failure to comply can result in fines, invalidated insurance, and reputational damage.
  • Detecting Hidden Issues: Electrical systems can deteriorate over time due to wear and tear, corrosion, or outdated wiring. Regular inspections help uncover hidden issues that might not be immediately visible, such as faulty wiring or overloaded circuits, mitigating the risk of electrical failures.
  • Maintenance and Longevity: EICRs help landlords identify areas that require maintenance or upgrading, extending the lifespan of electrical systems. A proactive approach reduces the likelihood of sudden breakdowns and the need for costly emergency repairs.

How can Definitive Electrical help?

EICRs, often referred to as electrical safety certificates, are comprehensive inspections carried out by qualified electricians. The inspections cover various aspects, including fixed wiring, fuse boxes and the earthing system. EICRs provide detailed assessments of any defects or potential risks identified, along with recommendations for remedial actions. 

Our friendly and knowledgeable electricians conduct a thorough inspection of the property, using their experience and expertise to evaluate the safety and condition of the electrical installations within a rental property.  They have helped countless landlords across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire to meet their legal obligations as well as ensuring tenant safety. If your rental property is in need of an EICR, get in touch today and we will get that scheduled for you. We are happy to liaise with your tenants to get that in the diary at the earliest convenient opportunity.