Fuse Box Replacement - Definitive Electrical Solutions, Nottingham

Fuse Box Replacement - Definitive Electrical Solutions, Nottingham

Do you find your fuse box keeps tripping? Do you notice the lights keep flickering or dimming? You might need a fuse box replacement urgently. Definitive Electrical Solutions, based in Nottingham are your local, trustworthy electricians.

What is a fuse box?

A fuse box, fuse board or electricity board is designed to maintain electrical safety at your Nottingham home. It is essential in protecting you and your home in an electrical emergency such as a power surge. The series of fuses (thin metal wires) within the fuse box melt causing a break in the circuit and essentially stops the appliance from working, protecting you from electric shocks and potential fires. The down side to many older versions of fuse boxes is that once the fuse has blown or melted, it physically needs to be replaced which can be dangerous and time consuming.

Modern versions of a fuse box are called consumer units. Both do the same thing, protecting your home from power surges but unlike the older style fuse boxes, consumer units have a series of switches that trip when a power surge is experienced. No need to replace any fuses, you just need to reset the switch.

How do I know if I need a fuse box replacement?

Based on our experience in the electrical field, many of our previous customers who contacted us regarding electrical faults have required a fuse box to be replaced. Here are some tell tale signs that your fuse box may be faulty:

  • Burn marks- Does your fuse box have any burn or scorch marks? If so, this might indicate that fuses are burning out.
  • Circuit tripping frequently- If you are experiencing power outages at home or in certain parts of your home, this could be due to your circuit breakers tripping or could indicate a problem with the electrical wiring in your home.
  • Buzzing or humming sound- A buzzing, humming or sizzling sound in the background can indicator a faulty fuse box.
  • Electrical appliances are non functioning- If you have new electrical appliances which don't seem to be functioning when plugged into a wall socket.

How does a consumer unit work?

Very simply, a consumer unit is composed of a few essential components.

  1. Main switch-This switch controls the flow of electricity into your property. In the case of an emergency such as a fire or when commencing major renovation or building work to your property, we highly recommend that you switch off the consumer unit.
  2. MCB- Mini circuit breakers are associated with different parts of your home, each mini circuit can close off the power to its corresponding room or part of your home if too many electrical appliances are connected to that circuit.
  3. RCD- Residual current devices are a series of switches responsible for monitoring all the electrical currents in your home. RCD’s will immediately turn off if a power surge is detected, preventing electric shocks as well as identifying faults that may lead to electrical fires.

Benefits of replacing your fuse box

With the boom in technology and our reliance on more and more electrical appliances, it might be a good time to get in touch with Definitive Electrical Solutions Nottingham to discuss installing a modern consumer unit and replacing your old fuse box.

Our team of experienced electricians are highly skilled with the ever changing regulations and industry standards. We always advise our customers to consider installing a consumer unit as many older fuse boxes are actually no longer safe as they do not meet current electrical safety regulations.

A new consumer unit can also add value to your property and make it more desirable. Increased safety features and better electrical efficiency are characteristics of modern consumer units.

Fuse Box Electrician Nottingham

We pride ourselves on providing our customers with exceptional workmanship, with over 25 years of experience and highly skilled professionals servicing a range of electrical failures in Nottingham and surrounding areas.

We aim to minimise disruption to your day to day by completing electrical jobs as quickly as possible. As fully insured, Part P compliant electrical contractors, you can rest assured that we get the job done safely and to a high level of customer satisfaction.

Get in touch with Definitive Electrical Solutions to discuss fuse box replacements at your Nottingham property.