Rewiring Success: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency for Our Valued Customer with Definitive Electrical

Fixed Wire Test Leads To House Rewire

At Definitive Electrical, we are dedicated to providing top-notch electrical services that prioritise safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Recently, we had the pleasure of assisting a homeowner in rewiring their property following an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) we conducted before they purchased the house. In this blog post, we will take you through the process of rewiring and the measures we implemented to ensure our customer's home meets the highest electrical standards.

Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate

Landlord electrician in Nottingham

A landlord electrical safety certificate, now known as an electrical installation condition report (EICR) helps you to meet your legal obligations as a landlord and fulfil your duty of care to your tenants. 

If you are a landlord with properties in Nottingham or Derby, Definitive Electrical Solutions are your local, reliable electrician. We have a wealth of experience in providing landlord electrical safety certificates and can help you keep your property and tenants safe.